Which side should you sleep on? – right side Vs. left side

Side sleeping is one of the most favorite positions between people. And one of the most frequently asked questions about side sleeping is which side should we sleep on, and is there a difference?
which side should you sleep on
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Side sleeping is one of the most favorite positions between people. And like any other sleeping positions, it has its pros and cons. But one of the most frequently asked questions about side sleeping is which side should we sleep on, and is there a difference?

In this article we compare the Health Impacts of Right-Side vs. Left-Side Sleeping and give healthy tips on how to have a comfortable and ergonomic side sleeping.

Why do people sleep on their side?

As you have probably guessed, side sleeping is by far the most common sleep position between people, as more than 60% of people prefer sleeping on their side.

There are a lot of reasons why most people prefer this position. The most important one is comfort. people find this position one of the most comfortable one due to the relaxation and easy body alinement it provides. Another big reason why this position is so popular is because it can improve breathing and it’s one the recommended positions for people with breathing problems.

Should you sleep on your left side or right side?

When it comes to choosing between left side or right side, people can get pretty confused. Both sides has its perks and de[ending on your situation and health conditions, one of them is more recommended than the other. So, it’s important to take everything in to consideration before choosing the right side for your sleep.

which side should you sleep on

Benefits of sleeping on the left side

1. People with acid reflux or GERD

Your stomach is on the left side of your body. It also connects to the esophagus on that side. So, considering the shape and location of the stomach and the angel of its attachment to esophagus, sleeping on the right side makes it easier for the acid to flow back. Doctors recommend left-side sleeping as it prevents stomach acid from flowing back into the esophagus.

2. People who snore

Side sleeping is one of the best sleeping positions for breathing problems such as snoring and sleep apnea. However, research has shown that sleeping on the left side can better decrease the chances of airway obstructions and improve blood flow.

3. Those with high blood pressure

Most of the blood vessels are on the right side of your chest. So, Sleeping on the left side relives pressure and improves your blood pressure.

4. Pregnant ladies

Left-side sleeping is a particularly recommended sleeping position for pregnant woman. “When you sleep on the left side, blood flow to the fetus is increased. Another good reason is that this position can reduce pressure on the liver and back pain during pregnancy.” says Dr. Suzanne Gilberg-Lenz.

If you want to know more about factors to consider during pregnancy, you can check out sleep and pregnancy.

sleeping on left side during pregnancy

5. People with digestive issues

Gastroenterologist Dr. David Johnson believes left-side sleeping can improve your digestive system, as gravity helps food move more efficiently through the digestive tract. This position is particularly good foe people with chronic constipation.

Sleeping on this side can also be beneficial for other digestive disorders like:

  • Gastroparesis: A condition where the stomach takes too long to empty its contents. left-side sleeping can facilitate gastric emptying with the help of gravity.
  • Indigestion (Dyspepsia): Some people with indigestion might find relief from this position, as it can reduce discomfort and improve digestion.
  • Gallbladder Issues: People with gallstones or other gallbladder problems might benefit from sleeping on the left side, as it can help facilitate bile flow.
  • Hiatal Hernia: While left-side sleeping is generally recommended to reduce acid reflux associated with hiatal hernia, some individuals might find that right-side sleeping eases other symptoms related to this condition.

Benefits of sleeping on the right side

1. People with heart conditions

People with heart conditions, especially those with heart failure benefit the most from sleeping on the right side. This position can reduce the pressure on your heart and stabilize heart rate and blood pressure.

2. Sleep apnea

As we mentioned, side sleeping in general is one the best positions for sleep apnea. Also, researches have shown that sleeping on the left side is more helpful as it creates optimal blood flow and minimizes the chances of airway obstructions.

Though it is possible for some people with sleep apnea to feel more comfortable sleeping on their right side, depending on individual anatomy and other factors. It is important to consult a doctor for personalized advice on this matter.

3. Back pain

Although the best sleeping position for lower back pain is sleeping on your back with a pillow under your knees to help keep the spine aligned, sleeping on the left or right side is also a position that can hep with this issue.

However, it’s very important to use the right mattress and pillow to keep the spine aligned.

Situationsleeping on the leftsleeping on the right
Acid reflux✔️
Heart conditions✔️
Digestive issues✔️
High blood pressure✔️
Back pain✔️✔️
Sleep apnea✔️✔️

Final Thoughts: Which Side Is Truly Better for Sleep?

With all things considered, The question of whether sleeping on the right or left side is better depends on each person’s health conditions and needs. Experts generally favor left-side sleeping due to its numerous health benefits, like improved digestion, reduced acid reflux, and enhanced cardiovascular health. For pregnant women, left-side sleeping is particularly recommended to boost blood flow to the fetus and reduce back pressure.

However, right-side sleeping can be beneficial for individuals with specific conditions like heart failure, where reducing pressure on the heart is crucial. Additionally, people who have experienced left-side injuries or those with certain digestive issues may find right-side sleeping more comfortable.

In a nutshell, the best sleeping position can vary from person to person, and consulting with a healthcare provider can help determine the best choice based on your conditions.

Other than right or left side of the body, there are a lot you can say about someone, regarding which side of the bed they sleep on.

How to Train Yourself to Sleep on the Left Side

So, as we analysed above, most people can benefit from sleeping on their left side. If you’re in that group, here are practical Tips to Transition to Left-Side Sleeping:

1. Start with Short Periods

Begin by spending short periods on your left side each night. Gradually increase the time as you get more comfortable.

2. Use Pillows Strategically

  • Full-Body Pillow: A full-body pillow can provide support and prevent you from rolling onto your back or right side.
  • Behind the Back Pillow: Place a pillow behind your back to keep you from rolling over in your sleep.
  • Between the Knees: Placing a pillow between your knees can align your spine and make left-side sleeping more comfortable.

3. Create a Comfortable Sleep Environment

  • Choose the Right Mattress: A medium-firm mattress that provides good support and relieves pressure points can make side sleeping more comfortable.
  • Adjust Your Pillow: Ensure your head pillow keeps your neck in a neutral position to prevent strain.

4. Practice Good Sleep Hygiene

  • Consistent Sleep Schedule: Going to bed and waking up at the same time every day can improve sleep stages and overall sleep quality and make it easier to adjust to a new position.
  • Relaxation Techniques: Practices like deep breathing, meditation, or reading before bed can help your body relax and make the transition smoother.

5. Mind Your Diet and Hydration

Avoid heavy meals and excessive fluid intake before bedtime to reduce the risk of discomfort and the need to change positions during the night.

6. Stay Persistent and Patient

Changing a long-term habit takes time. Be patient with yourself and remain consistent with your efforts.

FAQs about side sleeping

does sleeping on your side make your face uneven?

No one is born with a perfectly symmetrical face. However, Sleeping on your side can potentially contribute to facial asymmetry over time. Pressure from the pillow might cause slight differences in skin texture or lines. However, significant asymmetry is usually due to genetics, aging, or other factors. Switching sides regularly and using a silk pillowcase can help minimize any effects.

Can side sleeping cause wrinkles?

Sleeping on your side can potentially cause wrinkles over time, due to pressure against the pillow. The best sleeping position to avoid wrinkles is sleeping on the back with hands above your head also known as the starfish position.

Picture of Yalda Sheikhi
Yalda Sheikhi
Occupational therapy student, author of sleep related articles, sleep disorders, dreaming, the effect of sleep on productivity and life.

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