How to put a baby to sleep in 40 seconds: step-by-step guide

Putting your baby to sleep is no easy task. But in this article we guide you through 16 steps and tips to show you how easy it can actually get.
how to put baby to sleep in 40 seconds
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Putting your new born to sleep isn’t always easy. In some cases, it even takes up to an hour. This can be both exhausting for the parents and for your baby. So here, we’re going to show you how to put your baby to sleep in 40 seconds. And yes, it’s very possible! so stay tuned.

Prepare your baby for a relax sleep:

Before you try putting your baby to sleep, it’s good to help them relax and get ready for a nap. Here are some things you can try, to put your little one in a sleepy mood.

1. Establish a calm environment

Make sure that the baby’s surrounding is as quiet and comfortable as possible. This helps the baby to get in the sleep mood faster.

2. Create a bedtime routine

Develop a set schedule for your baby to regulate their body clock. Depending on your baby’s age, they need different hours of sleep.

3. Feed them a little!

We all know how grumpy we’ll get when we’re hungry, let alone those poor babies. So don’t even try to put a hungry baby to sleep; because you’ll fail, big time! So, make sure your baby is well fed (not overfed!) and burped, before preparing them for a nap.

4. Give them a warm bath

Letting your baby stay in a warm bath helps them relax and get sleepy. But make sure the water temperature is safe and comfortable for their skin.

baby taking warm bath to fall asleep quickly

5. Check for any discomfort

Watch out for any type of discomfort that can distract your baby from being relaxed.
Loud noises, uncomfortable sleepwear, or a wet diaper can be very distracting for your baby.
Also, teething can affect their sleep. So, any discomfort can disturb sleep patterns, causing babies to not go to sleep, or wake up more frequently. So, if your baby is teething, try providing them with teething tools for them to chew on.

6. Keep track of the room temperature

Ensure that the room is in a comfortable temperature for sleep, neither too hot nor too cold. And dress the baby according to the room’s conditions.

7. Reduce any stimulation

In order to promote a better sleep for your precious baby, make sure there are as few stimuli in the environment as possible. This can help your baby to transition more smoothly from playtime to sleep.

Time to Soothe Your Baby to Sleep in 40 seconds

now that your baby is calm, it’s time to use the magical tricks on them and watch them fall asleep in a heartbeat.

1. The famous tissue trick

The tissue trick is one of the most effective methods you can do, to put your baby to sleep in under a minute.
All you need for this trick is dry tissue.
What you need to do is to hold the baby in your arms and gently move the tissue back and forth across the child’s face repeatedly until they start getting drowsy and close their eyes. It’s as simple as it sounds and it works every time!

2. White noise or lullaby

Soft sounds like white noise or lullaby can create a soothing atmosphere.
You can play a white noise video like the sound of the rain or running water from YouTube or google, or easily use a white noise machine.

mother signing lullaby to baby to put him to sleep

3. Slowly rocking or swinging

After the tissue trick, gently put your little one in the crib and smoothly swing it while you whisper Shh sounds to your baby. Some babies refuse to sleep in the crib due to various reasons like separation anxiety, developmental milestones or other reasons like getting used to falling asleep in your arms. If your baby is one of those babies who have to be held in your arms to fall asleep, you can try to make them get used to sleeping in their crib using some tricks.

Also, makes sure your baby is in a comfortable and safe sleeping position. Especially if they’re younger than 12 months of age, the wrong position can increase the chances of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS).

4. Dim the lights

dim or turn off the lights in the room to create a more relaxing environment for the baby to wind down and fall asleep.

5. Gentle massage

Giving a soft massage to your little one can be very relaxing for their mind and body. Though you should pay attention to how your baby responds to the touches.

6. Comfort item or pacifier

Some babies find comfort in having their favorite stuffed animal or a pacifier with them for sleep. However, it’s important to make sure the items are safe to be around your baby. Some babies are too young to have stuffed animal near them while asleep.

baby with stuffed animal in sleep

with tricks like the tissue trick, using a white noise machine, giving them their stuffed animal, comfortable crib and a dark room, your baby will fall asleep sooner than you can imagine. If your baby is in their first few weeks of age, and they keep crying for no reason, especially in the late afternoon and evening, they might be colicky. You can use specific sleeping positions for a colic baby to help them fall asleep faster.

What to do after your baby has fallen asleep:

Putting your baby to sleep is one thing, making sure that they won’t wake up crying in five minutes, is another challenge. Here are some ways to make sure your precious baby will have a comfortable, long-lasting sleep.

Keep an eye on the room temperature

Maintaining an optimal room temperature is crucial for a comfortable sleep environment. Babies are sensitive to temperature changes. so keep the temperature between 68-72°F (20-22°C).

Plan for middle-of-the-night needs

Ensure the crib is stocked with essentials like diapers, wipes, and a soothing nightlight. This minimizes disruptions, allowing your little one to peacefully transition between sleep cycles. If your baby is at an age where they can have snacks or solids, have these prepared for them as well.

baby in deep comfortable sleep

Keep the room quiet and dark

A serene sleep space is vital for undisturbed rest. Eliminate potential disruptions by keeping the room quiet and dark. Invest in blackout curtains to block out external light to create a tranquil atmosphere for long-lasting sleep.

It takes a lot of patience when it comes to taking care of your new born. Tucking them for sleep is no different and has always been a challenge for parents. We tried to guide you through the tricks to fasten this process and what you can do before and after that. Note that each baby is different and what works for one may not work for another. It’s important to pay attention to their needs and cues, allowing for flexibility and adaptation in your caregiving approach.

Sweet dreams!

Picture of Yalda Sheikhi
Yalda Sheikhi
Occupational therapy student, author of sleep related articles, sleep disorders, dreaming, the effect of sleep on productivity and life.

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