How to sleep with a broken arm

Sleeping with a broken humerus can be extremely painful. It's important to know the best sleep positions during the healing phase to ease the pain.
how to sleep with a broken humerus
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Having a good night sleep is an important part of our physical and mental health. And any type of pain that interrupt or interfere with sleep, can be pretty annoying and even harmful. One of these pains can be a result of bone fracture. In this article, we are going to talk about how we should sleep with a broken humerus, or as some people refer to, a broken shoulder.

What is a humerus fracture?

The long bone from your shoulder to the beginning of your elbow is called humerus, which makes up for your arm. Humerus is a strong bone, though it’s not immune to fractures. And with a forceful impact or traumatic injury like car accident or a fall.

The treatment for a broken humerus depends on the type of fracture and the severity of the injury. Sometimes a cast for a month will do it, and sometimes it requires surgery.

Regardless, with this type of injury in your upper extremity, sleeping can become a painful challenge, and some adjustments should be made during the healing process.


Causes and signs of a fractured humerus

Humerus is one of the strongest bones in a human body, and it doesn’t easily break, unless someone has osteoporosis in which their bone weakens and is more likely to break with small impacts.

So, a broken humerus is almost always a result of a forceful injury like a car accident or falling from a high distance.

Most of the symptoms of a broken humerus are typical for this type of injury. The signs are:

  • Extreme pain in the area
  • Swelling and bruises
  • Inability to move the limb
  • Bleeding if it’s an open fracture

Best sleeping positions for a broken humerus

When it comes to sleeping with a cast, things can get a bit uncomfortable. Here are some sleeping positions that can help you sleep with a broken arm:

Upright sleeping position on the back

When it comes to choosing a good sleep positions for a broken humerus, the first position you can try is the upright, reclined position. You can maintain this position, by using a few pillows behind your back, to make sure there is no pressure on the injured shoulder. You can put extra pillows on your each sides to make sure you won’t roll to the sides in the middle of your sleep.

If Maintaining this position is difficult for you, you can try sleeping on a chair that can keep you in a reclined position throughout the night.

sleeping upright with broken humerus

Sleeping on the opposite side of the injury

If sleeping upright is not an option for you, you can try sleeping on your uninjured side. Though you should make sure you won’t roll to the other side when you’re asleep. To make sure this doesn’t happen, you can place a few pillows behind you. This way, the pillows can support your back and prevent you from rolling.

Sleeping positions to avoid with a fractured humerus

Any sleep position that increase pain and pressure on your broken humerus, should be avoided. Sleeping on the injured side is not recommended as it put a lot of pressure on the injury and create discomfort and pain.

Sleeping on the stomach is also a bad position. It can strains on your arm and may twist or pull on the broken bone, delaying healing and causing discomfort.

But other than a broken arm or shoulder, there are other causes of shoulder pain during sleep that require their own treatment and sleeping positions.

Extra tips to sleep with a broken bone

Sleep alone

As if figuring out how to sleep with a broken bone wasn’t already a challenge, having a partner next to you can turn into a whole new obstacle. So, here’s the deal:

For the first few nights, it might be best to kindly ask your bedmate to crash somewhere else. Maybe they can enjoy a mini-vacation on the couch or the guest room, while you figure out the art of sleeping with a busted humerus. And if you’re feeling brave, you could even set yourself up in the living room or on the sofa.

Once you’ve mastered your own personal version of comfy (and hopefully stopped swearing at every toss and turn), you can think about returning to the bed. But here’s a tip: throw a pillow between you and your partner as a buffer zone. That way, they won’t accidentally nudge your arm in the middle of the night. Also, the possibility of you hitting their face with your cast becomes lower.

sleep alone

Take your prescribed painkillers

Breaking a bone is going to hurt like hell, no matter how perfectly you follow the healing steps. You can sleep upright, stack your pillows just right, and even perfect your sling technique, but none of that is going to magically erase the pain. So, do yourself a favor and don’t try to tough it out without your painkillers.

If your doctor prescribed them, it’s because you need them! They’re there to help take the edge off, so you can actually get some rest and let your body do the work of healing.

Dress comfortably

When you’re dealing with a broken bone, dressing comfortably isn’t just a suggestion, it’s a necessity. Forget about squeezing into tight clothes or trying to look put-together in stiff fabrics.

Think sweatpants, oversized shirts, and anything with minimal buttons or zippers. Your outfit needs to let you move without wincing every five seconds. So embrace your inner loungewear lover. Your broken bone will thank you for it.

FAQ about sleeping with a broken arm

Can I sleep on my side with a broken arm?

The best sleeping position for a broken humerus is the inclined upright position. But if you really want to give side sleeping a try, you should sleep on your uninjured shoulder.

How long does it take for a broken humerus to stop hurting?

Pain from a broken humerus often eases in 6 to 12 weeks, though some discomfort can last longer.

Picture of Yalda Sheikhi
Yalda Sheikhi
Occupational therapy student, author of sleep related articles, sleep disorders, dreaming, the effect of sleep on productivity and life.

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