Dreaming of being pregnant- 10 different scenarios and their meanings explained

If you're wondering why you dreamed about being pregnant and what it exactly means for you, check out this article to unluck what your subconscious mind is trying to tell you.
dreaming about being pregnant
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Dreaming about pregnancy can be a different experience for anyone. Some get scared and nervous, and some get excited and wake up feeling disappointed that it wasn’t real. Depending on your real-life situation, dreaming of being pregnant or a positive pregnancy test can be interpreted differently. Stay with us to unravel the meanings behind this dream and go over some common dream scenarios.

What does being pregnant in a dream mean?

Dream of being pregnant isn’t usually a negative meaning dream. Depending on your situation and emotions you’ve experienced in the past week it can symbolize different things. Here are the meanings of this dream:

1. New beginning

A dream about being pregnant or finding out that you are, can represent a sense of a new start in your real life. it can show the beginning of an idea, a project or a phase in your life.

2. Fear of unknown or being unprepared

If you’re someone who doesn’t want to have kinds, at least not in the near future, dreaming about being pregnant is not that pleasing and enjoyable. This dream for you can mean that you’re scared of something unclear that might happen in the future; something you’re not prepared for. It can also represent the feeling of anxiety and stress that you’re under in your waking life.

So, maybe this dream is a wakeup call to relax and take things easy for a while.

3. Expecting a loss

If you dream about miscarrying, or losing the baby during the birth, it can represent a loss you’re experiencing in real life. maybe a friendship is coming to an end, or perhaps you’re losing a part of yourself.

4. New responsibilities

Dreaming of having a baby can symbolize a big responsibility you’re taking in your real life as having a baby can be a huge obligation. Maybe you’re accepting a new role in your job or there are some new responsibilities in your personal life.

5. Overlooked responsibilities and goals

If in your dream, you’re suddenly on the last months of your pregnancy, or you have a baby but don’t remember your pregnancy, it might be a sign that you’ve forgotten about an important task that you need to pay attention to, now.

dreaming of being pregnant

6. Eager to have your own baby

If you’re someone with a love for babies and motherhood, seeing this dream can simply mean that you want to have on, in your real life. it can also mean that you’re now ready to take on the responsibility of raising your own baby.

7. Missing the good old times

If you experienced pregnancy so many years ago, being pregnant in your dream might mean that you miss that time in your life.

On the other hand, if you’re moving from the age of motherhood but haven’t had a baby yet, maybe this dream poses some worries that you have about not accomplishing this goal in your life yet.

8. About to reach that goal of yours

Another meaning of dreaming about being pregnant is that you’re really close to reach your goal in your life.

9. Unresolved emotions

In some cases, dreaming about pregnancy is related to some unresolved emotions or trauma about pregnancy loss or childbirth. This dream might be a sign for you to confront those emotions in order to heal and move on.

10. Growth and development

Pregnancy is a natural process of growth, and dreaming about it symbolizes development and growth in your job or certain aspects of your personal life.

Common scenarios about dreaming about pregnancy

There can be different scenarios and emotions involved in each dream, and different meanings for them. Here are some common scenarios and situations you can experience in your dream about getting pregnant and their meaning:

1. Dreaming of being in the third trimester

Seeing yourself in the last stages of your pregnancy is usually a sign that whatever you have been working on is about to work out. Maybe you’ve been working on this new project at work or an idea for your life, this dream can be a sign for your success.

2. Dream about being pregnant with twins

This dream can represent a feeling of added responsibility in your life, as having twins is no easy thing for anyone. If you have so many things in your plate in your waking life, dreaming about this can just be a symbol from your subconscious mind.

3. Dreaming of a positive pregnancy test

Taking a pregnancy test that turns positive can represent a sense of hope and excitement for a new beginning. It can also be a sign that you’re longing to start your parenthood journey.

Alternatively, if in your real life you’re not trying to conceive or getting pregnant would be a challenge in your situation, this dream can be interpreted as subconscious anxiety and stress about this matter or a general responsibility.

dream of pregnancy test

4. Dreaming of being pregnant and hiding it

If you’re an unmarried girl and see yourself pregnant in a dream, or if you’re trying to hide it, it can symbolize a fear of judgement or rejection. It can represent the fear of how others perceive your choices and actions, Particularly if the pregnancy was unexpected.

5. Seeing someone else pregnant in a dream

A dream in which you see someone else pregnant, can be interpreted as a change in your relationship with that person. It usually shows growth an improvement in the relationship/friendship you two have.

6. Dreaming about misplacing your baby after giving birth

This can be a stressful dream and the meaning behind it is usually fear of big responsibly or the anxiety you have regarding something big to attend to in your life.

7. Dream of being pregnant with a non-human baby

Dreaming of giving birth to something that is not human, can be scary. Dream interpreters see this dream as something unfamiliar that is happening or about to happen in your life.

This dream can also be a warning call from your subconscious mind to you, to be ready for something unfamiliar in the near future.

8. Dreaming of being in pain during labor

Experiencing physical pain during a dream is usually a sign of emotional pain in real life. In this dream having pain in your labor, is a sign that something is making you emotionally exhausted.

dream about painful labour

9. Dream of having an abortion

Dreaming about having an abortion can be about your past experiences regarding this. It can also be a sign that it’s time to give up or leave somethings behind as they no longer do you any good. Usually dreams picturing abortion represent choice in your waking life.

10. Dreaming about miscarriage

Having a miscarriage or seeing blood in your dream symbolizes loss and grieving. It’s usually about something you lost in real life that wasn’t your choice.

Dreaming of being pregnant biblical meaning

Dreaming about being pregnant in bible is symbolized as various things like fruitfulness and blessing, preparation for something new in your life and spiritual or emotional change in your life.

Dream interpretations can be highly subjective. But there are some general meanings about each dream. Dreaming about being pregnant can have various meanings depending on your real-life situations. However, it mostly points at new beginnings and growth in your life. And in dreams with negative emotion, it can represent stress and anxiety.

Sweet dreams!

Picture of Yalda Sheikhi
Yalda Sheikhi
Occupational therapy student, author of sleep related articles, sleep disorders, dreaming, the effect of sleep on productivity and life.

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