Dreaming about teeth falling out – 14 interpretations and common scenarios

If you just woke up, disturbed by dreaming about your teeth falling out, and you're wondering what it can mean, check out this article.
dream of teeth falling out
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Dreaming of your teeth falling in your mouth can be a pretty disturbing and scary dream. And if you dream about it more than once you might start wondering what it means. In this article we go over the different meanings that this dream can have for you and possible scenarios about this dream. So, let’s find out why your teethless in your dreams!

What is the meaning of dreaming about teething falling out?

1. Losing someone close to you

One of the meanings behind this dream is a fear of death or losing a family member or your loved ones. In some religions, they see this dream as someone in their family is going to die in the near future.

2. Feeling powerless

Seeing your teeth falling out without you being able to control at in your dream, can send a message to you that you feel powerless in your waking life.

3. Anxiety or stress

One of the meanings behind this dream can be stress in your life. So, it can be about feeling anxious or insecure.

4. Something is about to change

Dreaming about something as disturbing as your teeth falling out, can be interpreted as a sense of anxiety about big changes in your life. This dream can occur when you’re experiencing some big changes like a new job, marriage or moving in to a new city.

5. Jealousy

This dream can also come from a sense of jealousy you might have about a friend or co-worker. This can mean that you’re probably worried you’re going to lose something that belong to you, as you’re losing your teeth in your dream without having any power over it.

6. Losing your youth

Teething falling out in dreams can also be a symbol of aging. If you’re someone who is afraid of getting old and losing your youth, your subconscious mind can throw this dream at you as a symbol of your dream.

losing youth as a meaning of dreaming about losing teeth

7. Communication issues

Since the teeth in our mouth are essential for communication, dreaming about losing them can mean that you’re having difficulty expressing yourself effectively.

8. Losing money

Since most people consider their teeth as something valuable, losing them in a dream can be associated with the fear of losing your money and having financial issues. The place and the number of teeth you lose in your dream can be associated with the amount of loss you might face in real life.

For example, losing your front teeth can have a worse impact than losing one tooth in the back of your mouth.

9. Rebirth

A positive meaning of this rather disturbing dream can be a psychological renewal. This dream can show that you want to get rid of the old patterns and start fresh.

10. Fear of failure

Another interpretation for this dream can be about your fear of failure. You might be scared of not being able to meet other people’s expectation of you in your real life.

Common scenarios with losing your teeth in dream

1. Dream about pulling your teeth out

Pulling out your own teeth in a dream can be very unsettling. This dream can be interpreted as a fear of change or the unknown. It can also reflect feelings of anxiety and lack of communication.

On the other note, if you don’t feel any pain while pulling out your teeth in the dream, it might be a sign that you’re ready to confront with whatever that is holding you back and deal with.

2. Dreaming about teeth falling out with blood

Generally, seeing blood in a dream can have various meanings such as pain, vulnerability and a big change. On the other hand, it can be a sign of strength and passion. Dreams about teeth falling out with blood can represent a big change that you’re about to face in your life.

3. Dream of broken teeth

Dreams with broken teeth is often symbolized as a sense of vulnerability and powerlessness. It can also represent concerns about your appearance and confidence. Another meaning of dreaming about chipped teeth is undergoing stress in your life.

4. Dreaming about spitting out your teeth

Dreaming of spitting your own teeth out means that you’re afraid to lose something important to you. you might feel less confident, insecure about yourself in your waking life.

Dream of teeth falling out biblical meaning

In the Bible, teeth are a symbol of strength and power, and losing your teeth would be a sing that you’re losing power in some aspects of your life. On the other hand, teeth are sometimes a symbol of consequence in the Bible. And so, dreaming about losing your teeth might be sign of wrongdoing or consequence of a sin. Another meaning from the Bible is associated with losing your wisdom.

It is believed that you dream of losing your teeth when you don’t trust God in hard times in your life.

Meaning of dream about teeth falling out in Islam

Some sources indicate that in Islam, dreaming of teeth falling out is interpreted as a fear of change, losing someone, or rebirth. Another meaning of this dream from Islam is loss of wealth or status that you might face in your real life.

Dream of losing teeth spiritual meaning

Dreaming about your teeth falling, can be interpreted in various ways spiritually:

  • Releasing negative energy. It shows that you’ve been held back by some emotions.
  • Spiritual cleansing. You’re in the process of spiritual purification.
  • Warning. It might be a guidance in the emotions and circumstances of your dream
  • Symbol of vulnerability. Losing teeth can represent a sense of insecurity

Dreaming about your teeth falling out can be pretty unsettling. And even though interpretations of dreams are highly subjective, most common meanings of these dreams can be fear of losing someone you know, big change, or feeling powerless and insecure. Keep in mind that you are more than what your dreams tell you about and if you feel stressed about your dreams feel free to talk to a professional about them.

Sweet toothless dreams!

Picture of Yalda Sheikhi
Yalda Sheikhi
Occupational therapy student, author of sleep related articles, sleep disorders, dreaming, the effect of sleep on productivity and life.

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