Best sleeping positions for breathing problems

if you experience breathing problems at night and don't know which sleeping positions is suitable for you, read this article to find out.
best sleeping position for breathing problems
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Sleep is one of the most important things in our daily life, and it’s important to pay attention to the quality of it and what ever that has an effect on it. And breathing problems are not something we should overlook as it can be extremely dangerous.

With the proper sleeping position and enough knowledge about the reason of your breathing problems, you can increase the quality of your sleep.

Stay tuned to learn about the best sleeping positions for breathing problems and some more tips.

Breathing conditions that occur during sleep

Sleep apnea

Sleep apnea can cause pauses in breathing during sleep. There are three types of apnea and the most common one is obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). In this type, the muscles in your throat responsible for keeping the airway open, will relax and causes your airway to narrow or closed. Pauses between breaths can last between 10 seconds to two minutes.


Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or COPD is another common problem that affects the lungs and restricts the airways. The symptoms can be shortness of breath, wheezing and chronic coughing which can make sleeping pretty challenging.


Another breathing problem that can affect sleep, is asthma. Asthma is a chronic condition that affects the lings and airways. Airways become narrow and swelled, and build up extra mucus. Symptoms can be shortness of breath, chest tightness and pain.


Heart conditions

Heart issues like heart failure can cause shortness of breath during sleep. And the breathing problem can ger worse when sleeping on the back.

Issues with nasal passage or sinuses

Any condition that makes issues with the nasal pasage or sinuses in that area, can create breathing problems. the conditions can be allergies, rhinitis, etc.


One of the reason why people develop breathing problems especially during sleep is Anxiety. It’s important to try and relax yourself before bed with meditation techniques and breathing exercises.


Alergies can also effect the airways and make it hard to breath during sleep.

The best sleeping positions for breathing problems

If your sleep is interrupted every night due to breathing problems, you can try these positions:

Sleeping on one side

Side sleeping is the best position for breathing problems. Though, it might no be as helpful for everyone, it can reduce a lot of discomfort for most people.

Sleeping on the side can keep the airway open and alleviate sleep apnea symptoms. This position will also reduce snoring and help with a more efficient breathing during sleep. About sleeping on which side, research shows that sleeping on the left side can reduce the symptoms of apnea, but keep in mind that the chances of having acid reflux is higher on the left side. if you experience both these issues during sleep, this position might be the best option for you.

This pose is also a very good sleeping position for people who suffer from lower back pain. This position can reduce pressure from the spine, and it’s a great choice for people with this problem.

On the other hand, sleeping on the side is not suitable for everyone. Some sleepers have reported neck and shoulder pain, and some complain about back pain. In order to reduce the pain, it is recommended to use a pillow between your knees to support the spine. Also, using the proper mattress and pillow is essential for side sleeping.

You should also keep in mind that when choosing a side to sleep on, you should know the differences between sleeping on the right side and left side. Each side has benefits for a condition and plays a negative role in another.

Also, it’s worth knowing that 60% of pregnant women experience some sort of a breathing problem like dyspnea, snoring or asthma. The best sleeping position during pregnancy is sleeping on the left side. You can learn more about sleep and pregnancy here.

Stomach sleeping

There are so many mixed results about sleeping on the stomach. Though it’s been proven that it can potentially help some people with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), and reduce the breathing problems as it can help the airway to stay open, there has also been results showing that it can have the opposite effects for others with OSA.

Keep in mind that this positions require a proper mattress that can support the spine to prevent any back pain.

sleeping on the stomach to reduce breathing problems

sleeping positions you should avoid

Sleeping on your back

This position is not recommended for people with breathing problems, since it can block your airway and make it hard to breath especially for people with obstructive sleep apnea. sleeping on the back can also increase snoring.

However, if you prefer this position, try to elevate your head with one or two supportive pillows and bent your knees by placing a pillow under them, to reduce pressure on your spine. Also some studies have proved that sleeping with arms above head can increase respiratory function.

How to improve your breathing and sleep quality

The first thing we recommend is to talk to a healthcare professional about your breathing problem. This ca help you get the best help or medication according to your needs.

However, there are some tips you can follow to reduce the signs and symptoms.

If your breathing problems are from stress or anxiety, you can try breathing exercises or sleep meditation. make sure you drink enough water before sleep and try to avoid using your phone before bed. Also, a study shows that putting your phone near your bed when you sleep can cause anxiety and depression due to the cell phone radiation.

If the reason behind the breathing problem is a medical condition, it’s very important to consult a doctor for an effective treatment.

Investing in a proper mattress and pillow is very important with those with breathing problems especially sleep apnea.

By knowing the reason of your problem and the right sleeping position, you can increase your sleep quality and be done with interrupted sleeps.

Sweet breathful dreams!

Picture of Yalda Sheikhi
Yalda Sheikhi
Occupational therapy student, author of sleep related articles, sleep disorders, dreaming, the effect of sleep on productivity and life.

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