Master the art of fake sleeping: 10 foolproof steps to pretend you’re asleep

learn how to pretend you're asleep with these fool proof techniques; Perfect for those tricky situations you want to avoid!
how to fake sleep
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Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you desperately needed to fake sleep?

Maybe you’re a 6-year-old, hoping your dad would carry you to your bed if he thinks you’re sleep.

Or you hear your parent’s footsteps coming to check up on you.

Maybe you’re lying on the couch waiting for your partner to come home from work, seeing you sleeping there and give you a kiss on the forehead. (Healing inner child right then and there!)

Or you’re just want to avoid an awkward conversation or a boring meeting.

No matter what your reason and intention is, I’ve got you. So let’s dive into the steps and hints of how to fake sleep like a pro.

man pretend to sleep

How to Successfully Pretend You’re Asleep: steps and expert Tips and Tricks

1. Slowly shut your eyes

To pretend like you’re asleep, you need to be calm. So naturally close your eyes to get in a sleepy mood.

2. Get into a natural position

In order to be more believable, you have to have a comfortable and natural sleeping position. like sleeping on your side or stomach.

3. Relax your body

Maintain a loose and calm body and try mimicking the muscle relaxation that comes with sleep.

4. Stay still

If you pay attention to people who are actually sleep, you will notice that they don’t move that often. So if you want people to believe you’re asleep, you should not have so many motions in your “sleep”.

5. Use sleeping tools

Use items such as pillow, blanket or a blindfold, to make your act even more believable.

woman under blanket pretending to be asleep

6. Regulate the rhythm of your breathing

Breathe slowly to imitate the rhythm of sleep. Inhale and exhale quietly and calmly to look like someone who is peacefully asleep.

7. Move every once in a while

Even though people who are asleep don’t move that much, it’s natural to have a few rolls or side to side movements or small position adjustments from time to time.

8. Make gentle snoring sounds

For those of you who have won an academy award for best actor/actress, I suggest making soft and natural snoring sounds to add to the authenticity.

9. Manage your eye movement

Try not to move your eyes under your closed eyelids very much, especially if you know you’re being observed by someone as you might get nervous.

10. Naturally react to your environment

If someone is making loud noises near you or they’re trying to wake you up by touching you or calling your name, respond slowly and confused, as though you just woke up from a nap;)

woman talking while man is in fake sleep

All right people, you have mastered the theory of how to fake sleep. Now you just need to put it into action. Knowing how to fake sleep can be a useful skill in many situations. So, go ahead and perfect this art form, and let your friends and family puzzle over whether you’re truly asleep or simply putting on a convincing show. I don’t really recommend using it that often unless it’s for fun or a surprise though. Always a fan of honesty, are we not?

Sweet fake dreams!

Picture of Yalda Sheikhi
Yalda Sheikhi
Occupational therapy student, author of sleep related articles, sleep disorders, dreaming, the effect of sleep on productivity and life.

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