The best and worst sleeping positions for lower back pain

If your sleep keeps getting interrupted due to lower back pain, try these positions to reduce the pressure on your spine and have a better sleep.
the best and worst sleeping positions for lower back pain
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One of the most important things in our everyday life is sleep. One of the things that can reduce the quality of sleep is back pain. A lot of things can lead to back pain and especially lower back pain, like bad sleeping position or muscle strain. Stay with us to learn more about the best and worst sleeping positions for lower back pain.

Causes of lower back pain

There are a few reasons why sleep and wrong positions can cause lower back pain. According to University of central Florida, with knowing the causes, you can try and avoid these situations to aim for a better quality sleep:

Bad sleeping position

One of the reasons for back pain, is staying in a wrong sleeping position for a long time. This can lead to waking up with pain in your lower back and ruin your morning.

Muscle tension and strain

Another major cause for lower back pain, is lifting very heavy stuff, which can cause tension or strain in your lower back. It’s important to learn the right way of handling heavy objects to minimize the damage.


Herniated disc can happen when the inner portion of your disc gets pushed out and cracks the outer layer. this can cause pressure to the near nerves and lead to sever lower back pain

bad sitting posture can lead to lower back pain

poor sitting or standing posture

Something a lot of people overlook, is their posture during sitting or standing. Holding a poor posture for a long period of time can cause pain or discomfort in the lower back area.

The best sleeping positions for lower back pain

Sleeping on your back

Sleeping on the back is one of the best positions for lower back pain. By sleeping in this position, your spine becomes aligned and this will reduce the stress and compression on the lower back and discs. This position is also a recommended position for people with PAD.

Sleeping on the back helps distribute body weight evenly. Also sleeping on the back with arms above head can improve circulation and respiratory function.

For a better result, put a small pillow under your knees to bend them a little. This can keep the natural curve of your spine and provide additional support for your lower back.

Keep in mind that sleeping on the back is not a recommended sleeping position for people with breathing problems.

Side sleeping

Sleeping on your side, with a pillow between your knees is another great position, if you suffer from lower back pain. This position can also keep the spine aligned. Though a proper mattress and supportive pillow is essential for this position. There are some differences between sleeping on the right side or left side, and depending on the other conditions that you might have, one side is more preferable than the other.

For instance, the recommended sleeping position for pregnant women is left-side sleeping due to the reduced pressure on the organs, vessels and back.

Another perk of this position is for people with knee or hip pain. This sleeping position is especially beneficial for people with IT band pain that can effect the knee.

side sleeping correct position

The fetal position

This position, where you sleep on your side with your knees curved toward your chest, like a fetus, can also reduce pressure from your lower back pain.

The worst sleeping positions for lower back pain

Sleeping on the stomach

Sleeping on your stomach is basically the worst sleeping position for lower back pain. This position puts the most pressure on your lower back’s discs and muscles, and misaligns the spine’s curvature.

best and worst sleeping positions for lower back pain

Tips for a better sleep with lower back pain

1. Changing position

It’s very important not to remain in the same sleeping position for long. Try moving every once in a while to reduce the pressure from one part of your body.

2. Proper mattress and pillow

High quality mattress and pillow is essential for a good night sleep. Sometimes, a bad mattress is the reason why you wake up with lower back pain to begin with.

3. Additional support

An additional pillow to support your knees and shoulder can help keep the spine aligned. Body pillows are great for these scenarios. Women usually use them during pregnancy but these pillows have uses far beyond that period. If you want to know more about the effect of sleep on pregnancy and proper positions and conditions, you can check out sleep and pregnancy.

body pillow for additional back support

4. Calming sleep environment

A comfortable sleep environment is very important for a high quality sleep. Keeping the room dark and quiet and maintaining a comfortable room temperature between 15-25 C (60-67 F) will help you to have a more relaxing rest.

Picture of Yalda Sheikhi
Yalda Sheikhi
Occupational therapy student, author of sleep related articles, sleep disorders, dreaming, the effect of sleep on productivity and life.

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