Dreaming about flood – meanings explained

Dreaming about flood in usually a sign of rebirth, feeling vulnerable or out of control. there are different meanings for each scenario.
dream of flood
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Dreaming about natural disasters like flood can be scary. But the meanings behind them are not as scary as you might think. In this article we’ll talk about the meanings of dreaming about flood and its different scenarios.

What does dreaming about floods mean?

Dreaming of floods can have different meanings and interpretations. And it mostly depends on how you feel in a dream. These are some of the meanings of seeing flood in dream:

  • A new beginning
  • Loss of control
  • Overwhelming emotions
  • Anxiety and stress
  • Upcoming crisis or disaster

Common scenarios with dreaming of flooding

1. Dream of flooded streets

If you find yourself in the middle of a flooded street in your dream, it is usually a sign of emotional overload. You feel overwhelmed about some aspects of your life. Maybe it’s a work overload or you feel like you don’t have it under control.

On the other hand, dreaming about streets filled with water and without a way to escape, can indicate that you are worried about making the wrong decision, ending up in a bad place. You feel extremely lost and indecisive about an important decision in your life and you keep avoid it, until it “floods” and you can no longer ignore it.

dreaming about flooded street

2. Dream of house flooding

Dreaming about your own house being covered in flooded water is not something you should overlook. Your home is a symbol of safety and comfort. And seeing that place become flooded, indicates a sense of vulnerability. It might be about a change that is happening in your life, like a change in your relationship status. Maybe you have recently come out of a relationship or you have lost a job you were really happy with. Whatever it is, the dream is warning you to take action for it and fix it as soon as possible.

3. Dream about escaping a flood

As stressful this dream might be, the meaning is rather positive. If you dream about escaping a surviving a flood or earthquake, it indicates that you will overcome the challenges you face and survive them. No matter how hard or stressful it will be, you have the power to escape to a safe place in life.

However, the dream is telling you to move quickly and make a decision. And if you do, you will end up just where you want.

4. Dreaming of a flooded car

Something about cars in floodings is that you can’t control them. And if the water is rising and you’re still in the car, there’s not so much you can do. If you find yourself in a flooded car, it suggests that you feel like you don’t have control over your life. Another meaning of this dream can be about upcoming problems. Your dream might be warning you about a trouble that will happen in the future.

dream about car in flood

5. Dreaming about a flooded city

Watching your city being filled with flood in a dream can be a sign of feeling desperate and hopeless. You feel like you can’t change the results of things or you have no control over your life. It’s important to note the feeling you went through in your dream. Were you scared? Did you feel hopeless?

6. Dreaming about drowning in a flood

Drowning in the flood can indicate that you’re in an emotional or physical pain in your real life. you think that you can’t survive what’s happening. This dream is a sign for you to start talking to someone you trust about what you’re going through, or it might get more difficult to manage.

7. Dreaming of dying in the flood

Dying in a dream can have different meaning depending on the scenario. One of the meanings, is rebirth. If you had a dream , where you died in the flood, it can indicate that you’re passing through the tough times in you will soon enter a new phase.

Spiritual meaning of flood in a dream

Seeing flood in a dream has a rather positive meaning in the spiritual world. This dream is a symbol of change in your life. if you witness a flood in your dream, it means that you’re going to experience positive changes. But you do need to be ready for these changes or you might lose your chance.

Biblical meaning of flooding water in a dream

The biblical meaning of dreaming about a flood is not very positive. It mostly indicates that a disaster will happen in your life that will put you in huge trouble.

Picture of Yalda Sheikhi
Yalda Sheikhi
Occupational therapy student, author of sleep related articles, sleep disorders, dreaming, the effect of sleep on productivity and life.

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