Seeing an owl in dream – here is what it means

Did you see an owl in your dream and you don't know what to make of it? Read this article to find out what it means in different scenarios
owl in dream
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Seeing owls in a dream can be a pretty symbolic dream. Mostly, owls are a symbol of wisdom and intuition. In some other cultures, an owl in dream is a symbol of death. Depending on your dream scenario and your emotions, the meanings can vary. So, stay tuned to find out why this bird suddenly appeared in your dream and what is it trying to tell you.

What does dreaming of an owl mean?

Owls in dreams usually represent a hidden message from your subconscious mind. They are a symbol for inner secrets.

1. Wisdom

Owls are a symbol of wisdom and seeing them in your dream means that it’s time to start listening to your inner voice and intuition. These animals are associated with wise decision-making. They can be a sign for you to step back from all the chaos in your life and try to be mindful about what is going on.

2. Death

In some cultures, especially native Americans, seeing owls in your dream is symbol of death and bad luck, as these nocturnal animals fly in silence and hunt in the dark. On the other hand, death can be interpreted as the death of the old self and the rebirth of someone or something new in you.

3. Guide from the universe

Some people see owls as the messenger of the universe that can guide you and navigate you through life. Dreaming of owls, is sometimes believed to be a sign from your subconscious mind to pay attention to the messages around you.

4. Personal growth or change

Dreaming about owls can be a sign of personal growth or transformation in your life as the owl can navigate you through the darkness and out of it.

5. Warning

Owls in a dream can be your subconscious mind’s way to warn you about the danger ahead of you in real life. Feeling scared or unease in your dream can tell you to be cautious and aware of the potential risks in your waking life.

seeing owl in dream

6. Time for inner reflection

Since the owl is a symbol of wisdom, your dream might just be telling you to take a look inside of yourself and spend time to reflect on your thoughts. Think about the emotions you felt in your dream. Those emotions might be what you’re struggling with in real life.

7. Exploring the truth

Owls are known for their ability to see what’s in the dark. And seeing an owl sitting in the dark can signify your mind urging you to look behind the superficial appearance and dive into deeper truths.

Common scenarios about seeing owls in a dream

1. Dreaming with black owls

Black owls are almost the rarest type of owls. And even though you might think that they’re a sign of bad luck, it’s quite the opposite. Seeing black owls in a dream is usually a sign of achieving your goal. It indicates that even if there are obstacles on your way, you will get through it.

2. Dreaming of an injured owl

Seeing an injured owl represent your feelings or emotions being hurt along the way. If you see an owl with a broken wing, it can be a sign that you’re feeling some difficulty with surviving in your life. If the owl can’t fly due to the injuries, it can suggest that you’re feeling worried and under stress in your waking life.

On the other hand, if you see an owl with an injury on its head, it means you feel confused and indecisive in your life.

3. A speaking owl in dream

Owls are known for their silence. They fly in the absolute silence at nights. So, take it seriously if you see an owl speaking in your dream. Seeing a speaking owl is usually about revealing secrets. And in most cases, it’s hidden secrets in your subconscious mind.

So, pay attention to what the owl is talking about. If you’re talking back to the owl and having a conversation, it’s about exploration of your inner thoughts and desires.

4. Dreaming of an owl staring at you

On the other hand, seeing an owl staring at you without any sound can suggest that there is someone in your life you don’t feel good about. Maybe they don’t treat you well or always disrespect you. The rather uncomfortable stare from the owl indicates that it’s time to put an end to this behavior and confront that person in your life.

snowy owl in dream

5. Dream of snowy owl

Usually seeing a snowy owl in dreams is a sign of purity in your soul and self-confidence. It can also show that there is a conversation or discussion soon to be held that you need to be ready for.

6. Dream of red owl

Seeing a red owl in a dream indicated that you might have problems in your relationship which you’ve been ignoring. So, it’s time to solve them and save your relationship. On the other hand, it can also be a sing of financial issues in your life that you have been struggling with.

7. White owl in dream

White owls are a sign of joy and happiness. And seeing them in a dream means that there is happiness coming your way after all the difficulties you passed.

8. Dreaming of an owl attacking you

If you see an owl attacking you in your dream, it can show that you feel powerless about a situation in your waking life. And so you think you’re being in a disadvantage somewhere.

Maybe you feel powerless at your work with your boss. Or, maybe you feel threatened in your business. So, whatever it is that you feel threatened about, you should keep a very close eye on them.

9. Dreaming of a dead owl

Dreaming about a dead owl is usually not a good sign. It shows that something bad is going to happen in the near future. Some people interpret seeing a dead owl as a sign that someone close to them might get hurt. And some see it as a sign of death.

10. Dreaming about flying as an owl

As weird as this dream might be, the meaning behind it is very positive. Seeing yourself becoming an owl, suggests that there will be a huge transformation in your consciousness and inner thoughts. Also, this dream can be a sign of encouragement to trust yourself. On the other hand, becoming an owl can also be about your desire for freedom in your life.

11. Dreaming about an owl looking for prey

Seeing an owl preying on other animals is a sign of weakness. You might feel controlled by someone or something in your life. And you feel exhausted by this so-called chase.

seeing an owl attacking in dream

12. Seeing an owl without feathers in dream

In real life, owls lose their feathers due to stress. Seeing an owl without feather in dream indicates that you’re under a lot of pressure and stress in your life. Maybe there is something at work, or some personal issues that is making you feel unease and anxious.

13. Dreaming about holding an owl

Holding an owl in your own hands in dream is a rather negative sign. It can mean that something bad, like an accident will probably happen in the near future.

Spiritual meaning of owls in dream

Owls are a symbol of wisdom and spiritual guidance. Seeing them in your dream can mean that you’re seeking insight and guidance in your waking life. In the spiritual symbolism, seeing owl’s eyes in a dream is a sign of clarity and insight about what’s hidden. It tells you to pay attention to the messages from the universe and trust your intuition.

Biblical meaning of an owl in dream

We don’t see owls being mentioned in the Bible that often and when we do, they usually don’t carry a positive meaning. Most often, they signify misery and loneliness as the Bible mention them as a sign of abandonment, isolation and loneliness.

wrap up

Dreaming about owls can be interpreted differently. But mostly, seeing an owl in a dream is a symbol of wisdom, intuition and transformation. It can mostly be about your inner thoughts and inner dialogues.

Sweet dreams!

Picture of Yalda Sheikhi
Yalda Sheikhi
Occupational therapy student, author of sleep related articles, sleep disorders, dreaming, the effect of sleep on productivity and life.

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