save your baby’s teeth with crib teething guards

If your baby is in their teething process and they bite on everything they see even their crib, read this article to find the solution.
crib teething guard
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If your baby is in their teething process and you find them take a bite of everything, you might be worried about the health of their mouth and teeth. The discomfort causes by teething make them want to bite on something to ease the pain. And they usually do this with anything they can get their little hands on. Stuffed animals, toys and even their crib! So, if you want to save your baby’s teeth (and crib!) check out this review about crib teething guards.

Crib Teething Guards

If your baby keeps chewing or sucking on the crib, they can hurt their gum and teeth, and possibly damage their crib. But not to worry, there is a solution to this issue and that is crib rail covers made specifically for teething. Teething crib rail covers, cover the top rails of your little one’s crib to ensure it’s safe for your teething baby. Here are some of the details about this rail covers you should know about:

crib teething guard

  • Crib rail covers for teething are either polyester, cotton or silicon. The chew-proof and non-toxic material used in the cover can do an amazing job in protecting your baby’s teeth and the cot.
  • They’re removable
  • find your preferred length. There are so many covers with different length to match your crib.
  • Protects your furniture. You can put it on any piece of furniture you want to prevent any damage to your baby or the pieces.
  • Easily installed. Most of covers have strap that can go around and adjust to the crib.
  • Washable. You can simply put the covers in the washing machine.
  • Cover the top and corners. The guards can completely cover the corners and top of the crib to prevent your baby from biting and chewing.
  • Different in size and color. You can find exactly what you prefer in color and size, as there are so many options.

Nothing stops teething babies. They will chew on the first thing they get their little hands on. Another thing they like chewing is their blanket when they’re trying to fall sleep. And the blanket is not an ideal teether as it it’s not clean enough to be in the mouth. Check out teething blankets, to find out more about this teething toy and save your baby’s gum 😉

Picture of Yalda Sheikhi
Yalda Sheikhi
Occupational therapy student, author of sleep related articles, sleep disorders, dreaming, the effect of sleep on productivity and life.

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