Dinosaur hands sleeping: causes, prevention, solution

Sleeping with dinosaur hands can leave your hands feeling numb and tingling after waking up. It can also have long term effects, if becomes a habit.
dinosaur hands sleeping position
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Has it ever happened to you to wake up with a strange tangling sensation and stiffness in your wrists? It’s probably due to your bad hand posture, called dinosaur hands sleeping position. This phenomenon can be uncomfortable and sometimes leave long-term effects. Stay tuned to learn more about this strange condition and how to handle it.

What can cause dinosaur hands?

One of the main reasons behind dinosaur hands position during sleep, is poor sleeping posture. during sleep, our bodies can adopt awkward positions. It can occur when someone sleeps with their hands tucked under their body, under their pillow or in a position that can put pressure on our nerves, particularly those in our hands and wrists. This can lead to temporary numbness or tingling sensations, making us look like the good old t-rex.

Sleeping with your hand tucked underneath your pillow or body can also lead to dinosaur hands. This position can compress the nerves and blood vessels in the hand, resulting in reduced blood flow and nerve function of that area. As a result, when you wake up, you may find your hands temporarily immobile, resembling the limbs of a dinosaur!

What harm can the dinosaur hand position do?

The t-rex arm sleep position is usually not harmful in the long term. Though its effects can last minutes or even hours if you ignore the signs.

1. Temporary Discomfort

Waking up with numb or tingling hands can be uncomfortable; and it may take a few minutes for the sensation to fully return to normal.

2. Reduced Grip Strength

If the compression on the nerves is persistent, it could temporarily affect your grip strength, making you unable to fully hold your phone, glass of water, etc.

3. Impaired Function

Numbness and tingling may momentarily impair the function of your wrists and fingers, making it challenging to perform tasks immediately after waking.

wrist pain from sleeping with dinosaur hand position

4. Potential for Injury

Repeating these positions may increase the risk of accidentally injuring your hands or dropping objects when trying to use them.

5. Underlying Health Issues

While dinosaur hand position is often due to the temporary compression during sleep, persistent or recurrent symptoms may indicate underlying health issues such as carpal tunnel syndrome or other nerve-related conditions. If the symptoms persist or worsen, it’s advisable to consult with a healthcare professional.

How to prevent sleeping with dinosaur hands?

To avoid waking up with the uncomfortable symptoms we just talked about, you can try the following tips:

1. Adjust your sleeping position

Avoid sleeping with your hands tucked under your body or pillow. Try keeping your hands in a neutral position, either at your sides or gently resting on the bed. This way you decrease the chance of putting extra pressure on your wrists.

2. Invest in a supportive pillow and mattress

Your sleep equipment plays a huge role in your sleep’s quality. So, ensure your pillow and mattress both provide proper support for your head, neck and body without causing your arm or hand to be in an awkward position. A mattress that is too firm or too soft may lead to poor sleep posture.

3. Stretch before bed

Perform gentle hand and wrist stretches before going to sleep to release tension and improve flexibility in your joints.

stretching before bed to avoid sleeping with dinosaur hands

4. Avoid prolonged pressure

Be mindful of how you position your arms and hands before and during sleep to avoid long-lasting pressure on nerves and blood vessels.

5. Keep yourself warm

Make sure your sleeping environment is warm enough to prevent your body from adopting uncomfortable positions due to the cold temperature.

6. Stay hydrated

Dehydration can cause stiffness and discomfort. So, make sure you stay adequately hydrated throughout the day.

drinking water to avoid stiffness after waking up from dinosaur hands

What to do if you wake up with dinosaur hands?

If you frequently wake up noticing the pain in your writs from the t-rex arm position, fear not; there are effective solutions to ease your symptoms:

1. Regular Breaks During the Day

If you engage in activities that involve repetitive hand movements or prolonged wrist positions during the day, take regular breaks to stretch and change positions.

2. Use ergonomic accessories

Consider using assistant tools like wearing a wrist splint designed to support proper hand and wrist alignment. These devices can help maintain a neutral wrist position.

3. Hand and Wrist Exercises

Performing gentle stretching and mobility exercises for your hands and wrists can help reduce tension after a few minutes.

woman stretching fingers

4. Consult a Healthcare Professional

If the symptoms are consistent or get worse by time, it’s better to consult with a healthcare professional. They can help identify any underlying issues and provide appropriate recommendations or treatments.

Waking up with dinosaur hands can ruin your morning experience. By adjusting sleeping positions, investing in supportive bedding, practicing hand exercises, utilizing wrist support accessories, and regulating temperature, you can significantly improve your sleep quality. Experiment with these tips to find what works best for you and wake up feeling refreshed, free from the discomfort that dinosaur hands has caused you.

Sweet dreams!

Picture of Yalda Sheikhi
Yalda Sheikhi
Occupational therapy student, author of sleep related articles, sleep disorders, dreaming, the effect of sleep on productivity and life.

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