15 month old sleep schedule

If you're looking for a sleep schedule for your 15 month old and some tips about their sleep patterns and needs, this article is for you.
15 month old sleep schedule
Table of Contents

At 15 months old, your little one is full of energy and curiosity, making sleep more important than ever! As they grow and explore their world, a good sleep routine can be a lifesaver for everyone. In this article, we’ll talk about how much sleep your toddler really needs, and give you a sample sleep schedule for your 15 month-old. A well-rested toddler means more fun and fewer cranky moments for both of you to enjoy!

How long should a 15 month old nap?

A 15-month-old typically naps for about 2 to 3 hours during the day. This is often divided into one or two naps, depending on their individual sleep needs and schedule.

Some toddlers take one long nap in the early afternoon. And some take two naps, a shorter one in the morning and a longer nap in the afternoon.

Another important thing to keep in mind, is the position you put your baby to sleep in, during each nap. It’s important to not take this lightly as there is a possibility for sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS).

How many naps should a 15 month old take?

Well. it totally depends! Some babies can handle a morning wake window of 5-6 hours and only take a long nap in the early afternoon. However, if your baby gets overtired in the morning, it’s a sign that you should let them have a short nap before noon.

baby and daily nap

15 month old sleep schedule guideline

Depending on the number of naps you want to include in your baby’s schedule, you can pick one of these samples. But keep in mind that your day might look differently and according to your routine, you can edit these schedules:

2-nap schedule

6:30 a.m.Wake
10:00 – 11:30 a.m.Nap 1 (3.5 hours of wake window before the first nap)
3:30 – 4:30 p.m.Nap 2 (4 hours of wake window before the second nap)
7:30 p.mBedtime💤

1-nap schedule

7 a.m.Wake
12 p.m. – 2:45 p.m.Nap (5 hours of wake window before nap)
8 p.m.Bedtime💤

How much sleep does a 15 month old need?

At 15 months old, toddlers typically need around 11 to 14 hours of sleep in a 24-hour period. This generally includes:

  • Night-time Sleep: Approximately 10 to 12 hours at night.
  • Daytime Naps: Usually one or two naps during the day, a total of 1 to 3 hours.

It’s important to establish a consistent sleep routine to make sure your toddler gets enough rest. This routine might include a set bedtime, calming activities before sleep (like reading a book or taking a bath), a comfortable sleep environment and sleep tricks that can put your baby to sleep in less than a minute.

If you have concerns about your child’s sleep patterns, consider discussing them with your pediatrician. Matters like when your baby refuses to sleep in their own crib, or only falling asleep in your arms, can hurt their sleep habits in the future.

What are some 15 month old milestones?

At 15 months, toddlers typically reach several developmental milestones across various domains. For instance, babies usually learn how to walk without support when they’re between 12 to 15 months old. Language development also occurs around this age, when babies start combining words into simple phrases like “want cookie”.

Another milestone that is both exciting and difficult to deal with, is teething. Babies start growing out teeth between month 6 to 18, which can affect their sleep patterns.

baby and milestone

Is there a sleep regression at 15 months?

Sleep regression occurs when your baby suddenly starts sleeping less than they used to. And, yes! there can be sleep regression at 15 month-olds. Babies mostly experience sleep regression at 4, 8, 10 months and 14 months of age. And some can have it in month 15, 18 and 24. At this age, your baby might start resisting naps and have a change in their sleep cycle.

Though it might feel like it’s never going to end, the phase will end after a few weeks. During this time, it’s important to manage a consistent sleep schedule for your 15 month-old baby.

Creating a good sleep routine for your 15-month-old can really make life smoother for everyone. By making sure they get enough rest and setting up a cozy bedtime routine, you’ll help your little one wake up happy and ready to take on the world.

Sweet dreams!

Picture of Yalda Sheikhi
Yalda Sheikhi
Occupational therapy student, author of sleep related articles, sleep disorders, dreaming, the effect of sleep on productivity and life.

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